Dispatches from the Big Apple during the Carnegie Hall trip and a slide show:
E-mail #1
Hi All -
We are safe and sound at our New York home, Hosteling International, and wouldn't you know it, there's a Ben and Jerry's right around the corner! Once we checked in and had our hostel orientation, Fitz was ready for some ice cream, so we all had to accompany him!
The weather looks like it is going to be perfect for this trip, after last week's rain, so we will make the best of being outdoors in New York.
From Steve, Fitz and me, thank you all for sending your sons on this little adventure to Carnegie Hall. There are already new friendships forming, and seasoned KSB travelers taking the new guys under their wings, though it doesn't seem too long ago that a couple of the oldest guys were the "little boys" in this same hostel.
Tour magic happening already!
Good night!
E-mail #2
Good Morning!
If you are getting this, then the Hostel wifi is more cooperative this morning.
A little later start today, after a good old New York City hike yesterday. Best part of the day? Hands down, riding the subway from the Battery to Times Square, with the boys singing South African songs, Da Pacem Domine, even We are the Boys, all with some of the oldest trebles breaking in their new grad notes.
We took the boys to the 911 Memorial, also my first visit since the Memorial was opened, though I've been to Ground Zero with several groups of students and KSB boys. Interesting being there with a group of boys, the oldest of whom has only a vague memory of the day, and the youngest of whom weren't born yet. The boys were respectful and curious, but clearly experiencing something that is history.
Final rehearsal at the hostel is now underway for the Carnegie Hall.
See you lots of you tonight! We will meet you in the lobby after the concert.
E-mail #3
Carnegie Hall.
Your son now joins the list of the most illustrious musicians of the last century or more because like them, he has performed in Carnegie Hall. I suspect it won't be his last time.
We've had a great trip. Every boy has been expended by the experience, whether learning the ropes on his first overnight KSB road trip, being a great example to the new guys, or becoming a leader, and getting his first taste of being a grad, they have all grown, and we are really proud of all of them. Just the sheer will power to sit up straight with their hands on their knees for a two hour concert rivals some legendary appearances from the early years of KSB.
The guys who are staying for the night had another trip to Times Square for some ice cream. They felt like celebrities when people wanted to take their pictures, some having just come from the concert in Carnegie Hall! We ran into some great street musicians while waiting for the subway, and the boys sang What a Wonderful World with them, and then the opening of Rejoice in the Lamb for them. Lots of fun.
Your son has had a fantastic trip, and is very happy!
Good night,